Friday, August 14, 2009

A star is born

Here is Elias in his German stage debut, playing The Australian. He stands with his Translatorix in front of a kangaroo, welcoming Two German Reporteresses.* He explains that Australians "enjoy eating barbie with the family, and fish. There are many things to do in Australia because it is a big country with lots of open space! For music, we have the didgeridoo, and we like to sing songs about kangaroos and koalas." (Cue ensemble number: "Bring dein Känguru mit, Pit, bring dein Känguru mit [schubidubidu]!") Elias impressed everyone with his fluent English.

*One of the first PR magazines Stefan picked up at the University included an article on how outdated and sexist the German feminine -in ending is (the equivalent of -ix and -ess in English, as in "aviatrix" and "actress"). Feminist linguistics still hasn't caught on in most of Germany, thus the two leads in the play were Reporterinnen, not Reporter.

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