Monday, September 5, 2022

Bayern hike photo dump 7: Immenstadt to Oberstaufen

Way back in April, I cut short my long-planned 8-day Bayern hike from Steinebach to Lindau, ending instead in Immenstadt on day 6. I chose Immenstadt because Stefan could easily get there by train from Steinebach. We took a 4-mile afternoon hike, and a 3-mile hike the next morning--impressive distances for someone just 2.5 weeks out from breaking his femur--and we vowed to walk the rest of the way to Lindau once Stefan's leg had sufficiently healed. 

June 23 was the day we started filling in that gap. Thanks yet again to the German government's subsidization of rail and bus travel with the 9-Euro/month Deutche Bahn ticket, we hopped on the 5:33am train in Steinebach to head back to Immenstadt.

Our destination for the day was Oberstaufen, 14 miles westward. Oberstaufen wasn't the most direct route toward Lindau (although it wasn't too far off), but it had a train station, meaning we could return to Steinebach that afternoon.

Our route took us along the east side of the Alpsee, past beaches and restaurants. I was amused by the Schwäbisch enthusiasm for English and extra umlauts on the sign at Seemanns: "bäschd food änd view": 

The view back and down to the Alpsee was lovely:

A cross (Kreuz) on a peak (Gipfel) is a Gipfelkreuz.

The snow-capped peaks in the distance are in Switzerland:

As we hiked along the ridge, we caught our first glimpses of the long-awaited Bodensee in the distance. I kept waiting for the view to open up--for us to get to a tree-less highpoint on the ridge--so I didn't bother taking a photo when the minimal view was maximal. Consequently, this is the best I have...


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