Friday, August 16, 2024

Lenggries to Brannenburg, Day 4: Albert Link Huette to Bayrischzell

It poured the next morning. We waited for a gap in the rain, finally heading out ~9:45 a.m. Given the weather, we decided to hike via Taubenstein rather than the higher Rotwand--a decision also influenced by the indefinite closure of the Rotwandhaus due to bacteria in the water supply.

No rainbows on Sunday...

After hiking up, up, up, we were rewarded with the usual views, which surely were no better up at Rotwand:

S and I hiked a loop from Spitzingsee up to Rotwand in 2022, which included the same section of trail near Taubenstein. When the sun is shining, the views look more like this: 

Oh well. 

At the Taubensteinhaus below the saddle, there was a little excitement. Another hiker let her dog run around off leash in the fields, which ticked off a cow. A chase ensued. The dog circled around straight toward us, the cow in fast pursuit. Thank goodness for narrow turnstiles that let people through fences but keep cows out. The dog owner didn't think any of this was a big deal, but the Alm host was not pleased... 

From the Taubensteinhaus, it was a long, initially steep, descent, with more cloudy views. We took a break for a snack in the woods during a drizzle. Lower down, my cellphone made a long waterfall look ridiculously tiny: 

Once we arrived in the valley, we headed to Osterhofen, just west of Bayrischzell, to our hotel for the night. It was a short day of hiking, with some rain and slippery trails between the Spitzingsee and Taubenstein, but less challenging than the morning's rain and gloomy forecasts had predicted. 

We showered, washed our wet clothes, and then went swimming in our hotel's snazzy pool. Afterward, we walked to Bayrischzell for a noteworthy outdoor dinner in a Gartenrestaurant (Alpenrose) recommended by our hotel's host for its vegetarian options. Some dishes to remember: a honeydew melon gazpacho and a kabob of grilled halloumi and mango.

We caught a bit of alpenglow on the walk back...

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