Near the corner of Zasiusstrasse and Brombergstrasse, I was surprised to see an ornate six-pointed star on the side of a building. I looked around for a plaque that would tell me something about the building and Jewish history in Wiehre, but I found nothing.
Later I searched the internet for various combinations of Wiehre, Juden, Davidstern, Zasiusstrasse, Brombergstrasse, and Cafe au Lait (the name of the coffee shop that currently occupies the space), and again found nothing. I thought it odd that so obvious a symbol wouldn't have some online documentation.
I searched again this evening, and when I left Juden out of the equation, I finally got a hit. It turns out the star isn't a Davidstern at all: it's a brewer's star, a guild emblem that has been used in southern Germany since the early 15th century.
In his 2002 thesis on the history of brewing signs, Matthias Trum explores whether there is a historical connection between the evolution of the brewer's star and the Star of David. He concludes that a relationship might indeed have existed, originating in an earlier, more widespread use of the hexagram as a symbol for protection. For Jews, the star became a military shield; for brewers, it was a shield against fire and demons.
This information of course changes how I see the Wiehre star. The cornucopia above on the left and the hops above on the right suddenly appear glaringly obvious. And that the structure formerly housed a brewery also helps makes sense of the three smiling faces over a door further along the side of the building. A satyr, Ceres, and Silenus perhaps? In any case, they look like they're having a pretty good time.
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