Monday, July 20, 2015

Der Triumph des guten Geschmacks

Look what Elias found!

This is the weirdest made-in-Germany product I have ever seen.

The can says Der Triumph des guten Geschmacks ("The Triumph of Good Taste"). The gumballs inside are sour, crumbly, and hard to chew. The can is made from old-fashioned sturdy metal that is decadent in its environmentally unfriendly thickness, with a color halftone photo that looks like it dates from ca. 1970. It has a pull-off foil top, like Pringles cans in the U.S., but without the plastic lid, so presumably one is to chew all 25 or so gumballs in short order once the can is open.

And to think, all of this, for just one Euro! As far as we know, this triumph is available--along with similarly canned triumphs like salted peanuts and sour fruit gummies--only in a vending machine in a rehab hospital for geriatric patients in a tiny town about 14km outside of Dachau.

So of course we bought them all.


  1. Blech, but obviously irresistible.

  2. Am I the only person to think of Leni Riefenstahl?
