Tuesday, November 10, 2009

One more anniversary

Speaking of anniversaries, I forgot to mention that Stefan and I have been an official item for 20 years as of November 6. First kiss on November 8, 1989, and the Berlin Wall came down the next day. That was some kiss!

Stefan was my roommate's boyfriend's roommate. H-W and MB had asked him to move in even before he arrived as an exchange student in Tucson. Back then he was studying Holzwirtschaft--wood science and technology--and the cultural exchange program sent him to the middle of the dessert.

I was 22 and had never had a significant other. Stefan was a marked man before he even got off the airplane. I figured we four roommates would hang out a lot together, he and I would get to know each other, I could learn how to flirt, and if I did anything mortifyingly embarrassing it would be OK because he'd fly back to Germany after nine months and no one else would ever have to know.


  1. Really now, who could complain about getting sent to the middle of a dessert, all sweet and delectable. ;-D

  2. Happy Anniversary! And nice job with the Berlin Wall.
